I'm down with this, I do have one complaint.
The First drop lead (What Sapphire Snake was talking about) is raised to high, when you do that it creates a fuck ton of unbearable freqs that are not pleasant to the ear. There are two ways to solve this, one, lower it an octave, or two, EQ those things out. Honestly, looking at the description of the track, EQing can fix the problems those guys stated without fucking up the song. IDK how to explain this trick but literally every EDM YouTuber uses it in tutorials (It works best with Leads and Saws, hence why I'm suggesting you use it).
In Conclusion this song was far from perfect but REALLY far from shit, your getting there. You melody's do really impress me, as I can always see what you we're going for just by hearing the melody (Not to mention their catchy AF). Keep it up, AlieN (With a capital N at the end ofc)
- Despayre/Telaris